- 演員
: - Steve Carell,Rose Byrne,Chris Cooper,Topher Grace,Natasha Lyonne,Mackenzie Davis,Will Sasso
- 電影簡介
: - Steve Carell leads the all-star cast of "Irresistible," a satirical political comedy written and directed by Jon Stewart. After seeing footage of a retired Marine colonel (Chris Cooper) standing up for the rights of immigrants in a small Wisconsin town, a top Democratic political consultant (Carell) thinks he has discovered the perfect candidate to help his party appeal to rural voters in America’s heartland and offers his services to help the retired veteran run for mayor. However, their upstart campaign soon captures the attention of the Republicans, who send one of their own top strategists (Rose Byrne). Topher Grace, Natasha Lyonne, Mackenzie Davis, CJ Wilson and Will Sasso co-star.
- 導演
: - Jon Stewart
- 電影
: - Irresistible
- 級別
: - IIB
- 國家/地區
: - US
- 片長
: - 1hr42min
- 製作年份
: - 2020
- 評分
: - 3.9