- 演員
: - Chow Yun Fat,Jiang Wen,Ge You,Xiaogang Feng,Carina Lau
- 電影簡介
: - Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief Pocky Zhang desends upon a remote provincial town posing as its new mayor, an identity that he had hijacked from Counsellor Tang, himself a small-time imposter. Hell-bent on making a fast buck, Zhang soon meets his match in the tyrannical local gentry Master Huang as a deadly battle of wit and brutality ensues.
- 導演
: - Jiang Wen
- 電影
: - Let the Bullets Fly
- 級別
: - IIB
- 國家/地區
: - China
- 片長
: - 2hr12min
- 製作年份
: - 2010
- 評分
: - 4.9