- 演員
: - Josh Hartnett,Ben Kingsley,Morgan Freeman,Lucy Liu,Bruce Willis
- 電影簡介
: - A case of mistaken identity puts a man named Slevin (Josh Hartnett) in the middle of a war between two rival New York crime lords: The Rabbi (Ben Kingsley) and the Boss (Morgan Freeman). While under the watchful eyes of Detective Brikowski (Stanley Tucci) and well-known assassin Goodkat (Bruce Willis), Slevin must quickly devise a plan to save his skin before his luck runs out.
- 導演
: - Paul McGuigan
- 電影
: - Lucky Number Slevin
- 級別
: - IIB
- 國家/地區
: - US
- 片長
: - 1hr50min
- 製作年份
: - 2006
- 評分
: - 4.3