- 演員
: - Wu Jing,Jackson Yee,Duan Yihong,Zhang Han Yu,Zhu Ya Wen,Li Chen,Han Dongjun,Geng Le,Du Chun
- 電影簡介
: - Sequel to The Battle at Lake Changjin. Follows the Chinese People s Volunteers CPV soldiers on a new task, and now their battlefield is a crucial bridge on the retreat route of American troops.
- 導演
: - Tsui Hark
- 電影
: - The Battle at Lake Changjin II
- 級別
: - IIB
- 國家/地區
: - China
- 片長
: - 2hr29min
- 製作年份
: - 2022
- 評分
: - 4.0